Wireless VR vs Tethered VR- Which VR Headset is Better for Gaming?

July 07, 2022

Are you eager to experience gaming like never before? If so, you may have already decided to get a VR headset - the question now is which one? The battle for the best gaming VR headset is arguably between wireless VR and tethered VR, but which one is better? In this blog post, we'll compare wireless and tethered VR headsets so you can make an informed decision.

Wireless VR vs Tethered VR: What's the difference?

Wireless VR headsets do not require a cable or connection to a computer, making it easier to move around your space, as you are not tethered to a particular spot. They come with in-built processors, meaning you can game wirelessly and independently.

On the other hand, tethered VR requires a cable or a connection to a PC/console for power and data, which can limit mobility and movement. Though tethered VR has a higher graphical capacity than wireless, its requirement for a cable for smooth performance can combat the immersive gaming experience at times.

Gameplay Experience

Wireless VR has a latency/head tracking issue compared to tethered VR, which means it’s not as responsive as its tethered counterpart. However, wireless VR’s lack of cables can allow for more immersion in the virtual gaming world. Tethered VR, in contrast, provides a smoother gaming experience with a higher graphical performance & refresh rate, making it the optimal choice for fast-paced games. However, this puts easy mobility in question, because uneven movement or slight pull on the cables can be a massive interruption to gameplay if not taken into account.

Battery Life vs Cord Management

Wireless VR headsets have limited battery life, usually last between two and four hours, which can be a hindrance to gaming for extended periods. Tethered VR headsets, while limiting mobility, do not require charging and allow for limitless gameplay provided the user remains within permissible range from the host.

At the same time, tether management can cause tangles & mess around play areas, which would require conscious untangling between paused gaming sessions.


Wireless VR headsets are generally more expensive than tethered VR headsets. While the Pro versions of Oculus and HTC Vive can cost anywhere between $699-$800, a budget tethered headset can be obtained for as little as $300. However, recent years have seen wireless VR catch up rapidly in range of performance capabilities, thus leveling the pricing of VR headset with good performance.


Both wireless and tethered VR headsets have their pros and cons for gaming, and the choice between the two comes down to the individual user's preference. If you prioritize smooth, high-performance gaming, tethered VR may be a better option. In contrast, if you want easier movement and immersion in the virtual gaming world, wireless VR headsets may be for you.

Nonetheless, we hope this guide has helped you choose the right VR headset - go forth and get gaming!


  • "Wireless vs. tethered VR headsets: Which headset is right for you?" by Olivia Tambini, published in TechRadar, 29 June 2021, https://www.techradar.com/best/vr-headset-tethered-wireless
  • "Tethered vs. Wireless VR: What are the Differences?" by Darin Graham, published in Virtual Reality Society, 16 April 2021, https:/virtualrealitysociety.org/tethered-wireless-vr-differences/

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